Today our #tbt goes to OTC Houston 2019. Qualitech was present with a stand in the Brazilian pavilion of Apex-Brasil.

We hope that soon we will be able to meet friends, customers and partners at the industry events.

We continue to believe in our market and support initiatives to promote the Brazilian oil and gas industry.

Como evitar acidentes em trabalho em altura seguindo rigorosamente a NR 35. A NR 35 define trabalho em altura como qualquer at...
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Ficamos muito felizes quando recebemos elogios e reconhecimento do cliente por um excelente trabalho realizado. Queremos compartilhar o úl...
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Qualitech ISO 45001

Qualitech Brasil received the ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System for Inspection, Repair and Maintenance certifica...
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