Qualitech brings an innovation on the removal and replacement of pin connections throughout the derrick crane and rig structures.

Many of these pins have been in position for a number of years, fully exposed to intemperies and wear from movement, hydraulic piston connections, structure extension connections, derrick connections, crane king pins.

To improve the procedure and possible catastrophic time loss to accomplish these pin removal projects, Qualitech brings The ARCAIR Exothermic Cutting, a system unlike any other cutting process used today that can cut, burn or pierce virtually any metallic, non-metallic or composite material.

With the specially designed flux coated cutting rods, with a single piece construction, maintains the balance necessary to sustain the exothermic reaction to cut virtually anything, in a controlled manner.

Arcair slice cut system

Oxylance Sure cut system

We invest heavily in the innovation of processes, services and equipment to ensure total security for our customers’ operations.

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Qualitech ISO 45001

Qualitech Brasil received the ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System for Inspection, Repair and Maintenance certifica...
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