Our Operations Director, Leonardo Torres, is one of today’s guests of the Oil and Gas Webseries: Brazilian Offshore Vision, promoted by Firjan – RJ.

Qualitech and other relevant companies in the sector, will talk about the actions for the resumption of the industry.

Follow this important discussion today at 4 pm at the link

Como evitar acidentes em trabalho em altura seguindo rigorosamente a NR 35. A NR 35 define trabalho em altura como qualquer at...
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Ficamos muito felizes quando recebemos elogios e reconhecimento do cliente por um excelente trabalho realizado. Queremos compartilhar o úl...
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Qualitech ISO 45001

Qualitech Brasil received the ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System for Inspection, Repair and Maintenance certifica...
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